Course title: How to setup an effective data management for data collection in developing countries.
This course is a must for anyone planning a survey or in charge of surveys in developing countries. Data management is often not sufficiently planned, consequently creating a backlog with getting clean quality data immediately after the end of data collection. In this course, participants will be taught a more proactive data management strategy that leads to a successful data management implementation. The instructor Ivo Njosa, led, supervised, managed, and advised on hundreds of surveys supported by the World Bank, the African Development Bank and ORC Macro International.
This half-day class (see agenda below) will be held towards the end of November. There will be a small fee for participants ($89). Interested participants should sign up at here including their contact information or email.
- Getting involved during survey planning discussions
- From analysis plans to questionnaire design and development
- Setup of data transfers: Electronic data transfer/Manual data transfer
- Training and pilot testing
- Establishment of data management security controls
- Early error checking and detection of offensive interviewers
- Real time data cleaning
- Delivery of clean analysis-ready datafiles